Wednesday 25 November 2015








Trailers consist of a series of selected shots from the film being advertised. The shots selected are usually from the most exciting, funny, or otherwise noteworthy parts of the film but in abbreviated form and usually without revealing spoilers.
  • Montage of scenes shown throughout the film
  • Usually fast pace 
  • Shows interesting parts of the movie 
  • Gives insight into storyline and genre
  • A voice over is often used
  • Have website links, Facebook and Twitter sign at the bottom of the screen so audience is encouraged to find out more
  • Introduces protagonists and antagonists 
  • Non diegetic sound
  • Shows productions logo e.g. pixar
  • Usually 2mins 30secs long


Film openings are used to set the scene of the movie showing the audience the type of surrounding it is based in. It is important for openings to be interesting and contain a bit of action to grip the audience so they carry on watching the film to find out what happens.
  • May start with an establishing shot
  • Introduces protagonists and antagonists 
  • Introduces the pre plot/narrative
  • To entice the audience so they continue watching
  • To establish the genre
  • A key event might occur
  • Non diegetic music 
  • Key credits and Studio productions
  • Shows productions logo e.g. lionsgate

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