Wednesday 11 November 2015

The 'Final Girl' Theory

The ‘Final Girl Theory’ was first developed by Carol J. Clover in her 1992 book ‘Men, Women, and Chainsaws. Final girls usually have the same characteristics in any horror film such as.. 
  • A unisex name (e.g., Laurie, Sidney, Teddy, Billie, Georgie) 
  • Occasionally a shared history with the killer e.g. in ‘Halloween II’, Michael Myers is revealed to be the brother of Laurie Strode and in ‘Scream 3’the killer is revealed to be Roman Bridger , half-brother of the only survivor Sidney Prescott. 
  • The Final girl exemplifies androgynous traits, such as a short, masculine hair style, or wearing little to no make up at all, or male oriented skills, such as being experienced in mechanics, loading a gun, etc.

Some examples of final girls in horror movies are;

Jenny from the film ‘Eden Lake.’ Jennys husband is killed, and she is forced to take the role of a hero to try and save herself.
Ellen Ripley in the film ‘Alien.’ Ellen is also forced to face her fears and try and survive from the aliens. 
Laurie Strode in the film ‘Halloween’ will do anything she can to protect herself.

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