Monday 23 November 2015

Ideas for locations

Initial ideas for locations

For locations, we decided to look into a variety of different rooms especially bedrooms. Below, are a few images and the pros and cons for each room. We also analyse which rooms would be appropriate for us to film parts of our opening in by looking at colours and items. 

1) This particular room has lots of items which may be stereotypically aimed at more 'girly' girls. For example, items such as magazines and dressing table which includes lots of makeup and beauty products.

  • The colour white is a dominant colour throughout this room, this may reflect the character being innocent and pure
  • Lighting in this room is very effective as everything stands out and you are able to make out the items extremely clearly. 
  • Location wise, this room might be a possible candidate as it can reflect the personality of the character well, with plenty of items that can be used for the mise en scene aspect

2) This room might be a possible location for us to use for our filming, it is extremely spacious and  includes a variety of colours which can be useful for the audience in getting to know the character.

  • Items inside the room include books, instruments and electronics. These again can give us an insight on what the character is like and so viewers can guess what the sequence will be like. The books could suggest that the character may be extremely intelligent and has an interest in musical instruments. 
  • The location gives a warm and homely sense and therefore this could be a great location to film our sequence in.
  • Colours such as browns and reds are prominent in this room, these colours have connotations of comfort and warmth, all the colours you would suggest with a home.
  • The location offers plenty of light through many windows - this would be extremely useful when filming but could also be a problem if there is too much light or too little. This means that it may be difficult to control the lighting.

3) Location 3 is quite similar to location 1 in terms of colours such as white, however this room there are less decorative items which means that the audience are unable to get an idea of what the main protagonist is like - in terms of personality etc. 
  • Some items include a electronics such as a kindle on the bedside table, linking in with the whole genre of the film opening - technological horror. 
  • The images on the walls allows a decorative touch to the room
  • The main advantage for this room is that there is also a large amount of natural light coming in from the windows this again will allow good light when filming.  - however, again the light may be difficult to control as the sun/ clouds might change during cuts. 
  • Overall, this location could be a possible choice for filming as the lighting is a huge plus in this location but it lacks in items that can contribute to mise en scene compared to the other two locations

4) Another possible location could be this bedroom as includes several items which could contribute well to the aspect of mise en scene.
  • Firstly, the colours at this location are of a variety and range from creams to blues. The room includes plenty of patterns which contrasts greatly with the plain, white bed. 
  • Items such as a teddy bear/stuffed pillow again might give the audience a clue into the character. If we were to choose this location as our filming point, we might also choose to add more items and decorate it in order to portray the personality of the character through the background items. 
  • One possible advantage of this particular location is that it has a cosy feel to it and the window again might be an opportunity for great natural lighting. 
  • However, one problem if we decide to choose this location is that it could be quite small and therefore might be difficult to move characters around and film.
5) We decided to also look at hotel rooms, as they extremely popular in the horror movie genre. However, using a hotel room could cause problems as we would have to book a room and let the management know that we will be filming in the room. For example, screaming and the use of fake weapons and makes could provoke fear to those staying at the hotel. Therefore if we decide to use this location we must consider the factors and issues regarding it before we start to film. 

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