Monday 16 November 2015

Pyschoanalysis Theory Freud

Freud's Pyschoanalysis Theory

Freud’s Theory: Came up application of psychoanalytical theory (Oedipal complex), these include:
  • Sadism: here he states that this is a post Oedipal attention switching from the mother to the father, or in horror terms where the (soon to be victim) can identify with the killer (shared history e.g. in the case of the final girl). 
  • Masochism: Pre Oedipal states that the mother is all powerful (sense of authority). So we as the audience we are put in a state of masochistic because we take pleasure in identifying with the female.
Clover v.s. Freud’s Theory Clover Theory:

In relation to the final girl theory, Clover indicated that we as the audience are structured and thus are ‘forced’ to identify not with the killer, but with the surviving female (final girl).
Instead of identifying with the sadistic voyeur (the killer), she suggests that our identification has switched to the victim, who she calls (a masochistic voyeur).

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