Sunday 15 November 2015

The Ring deconstruction

This particular clip is from the movie "The Ring" demonstrates an unusual concept of integrating the use of technology in horror movies. Director Gore Verbinski uses the traditional Japanese mystery to tell a story of how technology such as videos and the TV as influence lives in a much more negative way.

Mise en scene

The first girl shown in the opening minutes of the scene is evidently the first character to die in the movie. This links in well with the idea of the 'final girl' theory as the girl clearly portrays the characteristics which makes her the first person to unfortunately die. The fact that the girl is wearing a short skirt, loose top which is unbuttoned at the bottom, gives us the impression that she may be the 'blonde and popular girl' who is unaware of the circumstances and therefore dies first. The character is first shown in the kitchen where it is:

  • Clean, tidy
  • The untouched appliances suggests that they not used as regularly 
  • Almost every item in the kitchen is in immaculate condition and has it's own fixed place
The camera quickly moves to a living room shot, where it may be suggested that the character might enjoy activities such as watching TV as it is large and placed in an area where it is clearly visible. 
  • The living room space is also extremely clean which could demonstrate her personality where the character likes to keep clean and tidy, this is also shown in the presentation of the kitchen. 
  • Magazines, photo frames, candles are seen throughout the house
  • The magazines suggest that she could be a sociable person - she seems like a young character, which means she may well be up to date with the latest teen gossip
The girl is shown wearing clothing which can be interpreted as sexual, this is because as we look closely, the top is worn loosely and unbuttoned. The character's hair  has streaks of blonde, which again follows the typical conventions of the final girl theory. The fact that she has straight, shoulder length hair which is neat and tidy, gives us the impression that she takes care of herself and could be image conscious.

Camera angles and framing

The clip begins with a medium shot (camera framing) of the girl. From this we can see her hand gestures where it is clear that she is grabbing a drink from the kitchen. At this point, as the audience, we are unable to see anything below the arms, for example what type of trousers, skirt or shoes that she is wearing. The medium shot focuses solely on the character and therefore we are unable to see the background in detail.
  • However, from the background we are still able to see some appliances which may be associated with a kitchen. 
Close up shots are regularly used in the opening scene, this is common in horrors as it conveys the character's facial expressions and their feelings in scenes which may cause them distress. Close up shots commonly show very little of the background and focuses solely on the object, in this case it is the girl who is shown to be extremely terrified of the situation. These shots make us:
  • Feel intimate with the character
  • Feel as if we are on the same wavelength (similar to eye level angle)
  • Sometimes maybe uncomfortable for the audience
Zooming in on the character's facial expressions show how deeply terrified she is, her fear is reinforced with the idea that she is home alone and it is in the middle of the night. Furthermore, it can be argued that pathetic fallacy may be used as it is raining outside, this again links in well with the girls current situation. 

High angle - used at the staircase area, to reinforce the height of the stairs and how low down the character really is.

Lighting and Sound
  • Diegetic sound used when the TV turns on - static sound
  • Talking - part of diegetic sound
  • This opening clip is limited in sound which therefore creates a lot of tension and suspense
The use of artificial light is prevalent in this scene as it is 'night time' outside, the character uses artificial light such as lamps. However, as the camera pans to the living room we are able to see some sort of natural lighting for example, it is suggested that there is a storm outside which includes lightning. Although candles are not used in the clip, they are clearly seen in the room and if they were to be lighted, they would reinforce the scene immensely.

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