Monday 16 November 2015

Comedy Horror research

Comedy Horrors

The usual plot of a comical horror is based around a satirical spin of a common horror storyline or character. If we take a small cast of international horror characters and build a story around them coming together to complain about not doing enough
and coming to a conclusion to employ the use of technology more often in their acts of terror. As horror does not appeal to everyone mixing it with a light hearted genre like comedy increases our market.
Also by making use of the often overlooked horror characters we can spark peoples interest, as well as making the design of costumes easier as not many people will have preconceived ideas concerning our characters.
Using plays on the
  1. camera framing,
  2. lighting,
  3. mise-en-scene
would be part of the techniques we use to allude to ideas of horror whilst turning them on its side to make our opening comical.

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