Wednesday 11 November 2015

Initial ideas, research and inspiration

Initial ideas, research and inspiration

So far, as a group we have decided to create a film opening based on the concept of technology, this may include uses of the internet, social media, laptops and mobile phones. We have decided to use a concept which is quite new in the horror genre and therefore we thought that it would be interesting yet something which is out of the ordinary. 

Our initial idea comes from the 2015 movie 'Unfriended' which uses the idea of technology (Skype and computers) to create a horror movie. The movie uses the idea of recording from the screen, this can be used in a variety of software's which we have researched, for example Quick Time screen recorder. From the research so far, we have found that movies such as The Ring, One Missed Call, Unfriended and The Net, all use technology such as mobile phones, TV and the internet to scare and frighten the protagonists and especially the audience watching.
All these movies have been real hits and have become successful which therefore inspired us to try and create something based on these ideas. 

Some of the research conducted includes a range of movies which integrate the idea of technology extremely well:

Unfriended (2015)

The Net (1995)

One Missed Call (2008)

The Ring (2002)

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