Monday 16 November 2015

Comedy Horror

Comedy Horror

Comedy Horror is a genre that is aims to scare the audience whilst maintaining a comical theme as the plot unfolds. It can place twists in the usual horror clichés to create a comical ambience,  use a different perspective or completely change the story.

Our audience are young adults, however not everyone can watch horror films, but with a light hearted spin on it the film becomes easier to digest.
It is not hard to come up with a story line for it as the basis if most comical horrors are the same, and we do not need to build up any characters from scratch.
The preconceived ideas of any character we pick to use do not need to be lived up to as the spin is placed on the characters

It can very easily be confused with other horror genres if the light entertainment is not implemented well enough.
If the film is really comedy saturated the horror essence can disappear quickly and it will become a comedy, which is fine but we do not intend at this point in time to make a comedy.
It may not be easy to communicate your idea of comedy to the audience (especially in the short amount of time we have)

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