Wednesday 25 November 2015

Proposed plotline and technological horror research


We have decided to do a technological horror, the conventions of this sub genre of horror are very similar to the typical horror story, which we have already research into. The main difference is the use of technology in the propagation of horror. Most of our inspiration comes from sources such as
This is mainly because the sub genre is only emerging and there are not many examples of it.

The typography employed here takes simple bold white writing on a completely contrasting background.  To allude to the idea of technology being used the title typography is blurred on the letters and has been edited to suggest it was moving, this glitch effect connotes an electronic (technical) error.

Proposed plot lines


A couple are in a hotel, no reason is given, the girl is video blogging about their journey and the guy walks in. She stops the recording and puts the laptop off but leaves it open, with the camera facing them she puts the laptop on a desktop. The next scene is in the morning with her sleeping and the guy dressed and leaving the room. After a while she gets up and checks her laptop and sees a picture on the screen of her boyfriend half alive with blood all over the place. She then hears a voice (or answers a Skype call)that states if she doesn't do what they say she will be next. The final shot would be a eye level from behind the screen with her face towards it and a voice saying good good whilst someone walks in.


A girl opens the door for a boy to leave (the light only comes when the door opens) you hear sound effects of what not. When she goes back to her room she sits at computer preferably but maybe laptop, she then sees a picture of the boy dead. And gets a Skype call of a guy with "no mask". The face the audience see would then drop off during a low angle of the killers feet at the end of the sequence. Whilst subverting the stereotypes of the killer not showing their face by showing the killers face with no mask. It will conform to them as the face seen will not be the actual face of the killer.

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