Thursday 21 April 2016



  • During the editing process of our film, we held a focus group to get some constructive criticism about our work and how we could improve.

  • We were told we had some strong footage but a major downfall for our group was the narrative of the film. Throughout the playing of the focus group we were frequently asked what was happening and why.

  • To ensure we didn't loose marks on our final piece, my group and I chose to meet up and film a few more scenes for the film, just clearing up the narrative, trying to make it obvious about what was going on as possible.

  • To conform to the blogger style in our movie opening, and to further make clear of the plot, we added a Youtube style framing to add to the mise - en - scene

  • We also decided to re-draw our story board to fit the changed storyline of the horror film. If you look further down the blog, you can see the changes we made from our original story board. 

  • We had to re-film some aspects of the opening due to the camera being out of focus in some places and also extremely shaky

  • We added in a computer generated voice - however this was another downfall to our strong ending of the opening. So we decided to get a character to record the voice which was much better. 

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