Thursday 21 April 2016

Code and conventions of Technological horror

Technological horror

The genre of technological horror is fairly new in the film industry and this is primarily the main reason as to why we chose it. Due to the genre being quite new, this would appeal much more to the audience as it is contemporary and modern. 

Many people, especially teenagers are always using at least one form of technology in a day so it is hugely relevant in their lives

There are many codes and conventions of horror, these can easily be manipulated to fit into a technological horror or be copied exactly and used as they are typically used.

  • Power cut - adds elements of technology/ electricity - no power helps the killer murder their victim easily as they cannot run away. It also adds tension to the sequence
  • Main protagonist is using a device ie camera, phone, laptop etc
  • Main protagonist is usually a girl (final girl / promiscuous)
  • Involves a boy who is either in a relationship with the other character, or it is 'complicated'
  • the character is always home alone / with one other person
  • Filmed at night
  • gloomy night / stormy
  • low key lighting
  • weapons - knife etc
  • Often dark colours like red and black - links to evil, blood
  • glitches throughout - emphasises the technological aspect
  • symbolism  
  • silent house

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